‘I’ve been a big fan of DPA Microphones for a long time and have used them regularly for more than 25 years,’ he says. Two days later, and this time at an altitude of 2km, Nielsen recorded a 50-strong Christian choir for the album, again using DPA microphones. Then, later that night, we used the same mics to record a choir of 100 monks so that their singing could be incorporated into two of Sa Ding Ding’s album tracks.’ ‘The monks were singing a mass and we captured their performance using nine DPA 4006A omnidirectional microphones and one DPA 4011A cardioid. ‘Sa Ding Ding wanted to include the Monk’s choir in her album, so we travelled to the temple, which was high up in the mountains near Tibet,’ Nielsen says. She also plays traditional instruments such as the guzheng and matougin (a horse-head fiddle).

With a mix of Han and Mongol ancestry, she sings in a number of languages including Mandarin, Sanskrit and Tibetan, as well as an imaginary self-created language that evokes the emotions of her songs. The location recording was lined up for an album entitled The Coming Ones from Chinese folk singer and song writer Sa Ding Ding. He also know that the recording kit – and the mics in particular – would need to be able to cope with the challenging conditions. Asked to record a choir of 500 monks in a Chinese temple 4km above sea level, Danish producer/engineer Hans Nielsen knew he was taking his recording career to new heights.