Keyboard shortcut to insert text
Keyboard shortcut to insert text

Win + X =Start menu Admin controls (also right-click on Start)Ītl + Shift + ← or → =(Word) When typing out a list, indent the current paragraph as a subset of the above number. =Switch to browser tab 1/2/3/4/.Īlt + Tab =Classic app switcher, jumps to next app after each "Alt + Tab" Don't be afraid to experiment!Ĭtrl + D =Bookmark current page (all browsers)Ĭtrl + 1/2/3/4/. It's worth noting that many of these shortcuts work in various other Microsoft programs, including Edge, Excel, and so on. Click Enter to move through the various instance of the text you searched for. This shortcut brings your cursor directly to the Navigation bar in the left-hand column of your page, where you can immediately type words or phrases to find them on a page.Find text on a page: Ctrl + F - "F" is for "find.".This shortcut launches the Word print options page.Print a document: Ctrl + P - "P" is for "print.".This shortcut works for new text you type after using the shortcut, or you can highlight existing text and then enlarge it via the shortcut.Increase font: Hold down Ctrl and repeatedly click ] - "I," for "increase." The letter "I" comes after "D" in the alphabet, so use the second, close bracket to increase font size and the first, open bracket to decrease font.This shortcut works for new text you type after using the shortcut, or you can highlight existing text and then shrink it down via the shortcut.Decrease font: Hold down Ctrl and repeatedly click [ - "D," for "decrease." The letter "D" comes before "I" in the alphabet, so use the first, open bracket to decrease font size and the second, close bracket to increase font.You can also use the shortcut to turn underlining off. This shortcut works for new text you type after using the shortcut, or you can highlight existing text and then add an underline via the shortcut.Underline text: Ctrl + U - "U" is for "underline.".You can also use the shortcut to turn italics off. This shortcut works for new text you type after using it, or you can highlight existing text and then add italics via the shortcut.Italic text: Ctrl + I - "I" is for "italic.".You can also use the shortcut to turn bolding off. This shortcut works for new text you type after using it, or you can highlight existing text and then bold it via the shortcut.Bold text: Ctrl + B - "B" is for "bold.".Redo an undo: Ctrl + Y - In other words, undo an undo.Undo a change: Ctrl + Z - "Z" is for "zap that last change!".Create a new document: Ctrl + N - "N" is for "new.".Close a document: Ctrl + W - "W" is for "whisk away that Word doc!".Open an existing document: Ctrl + O - "O" is for "open.".Save a document: Ctrl + S - "S" is for "save.".Keyboard shortcuts every Microsoft Word user should know

Keyboard shortcut to insert text