You need to make all buildings in BuildingEd for the loot and future NPCs/Sadistic AI to work, as well as needing to use the new tiles (had to remove the old to fit in memory on the integrated gfx) so I'm afraid this means stuff will need making from scratch, but buildingEd is nice to use so hopefully that process won't take that long

Will get maps working with modloader file system so your mod can override areas of the map. Muldraugh is 25x25 offset, Westpoint is 25x15.

WorldEd -> Drag selection - Export to Lots -> add offset to put your world in correct place in game world then export. Put fancy stuff around map to add detail to roads etc. TileZed -> do detailing around building that couldn't be done in building ed. WorldEd -> create bitmaps for terrain -> BMPtoTMX -> drag drop cells into world grid