I've tested with this in a Windows virtual machine before but without GPU assistance for compositing and stream decoding/encoding the amount of CPU power that this needs is insane (~80% of the Ryzen 1700x with 8 cores) to run 4K/30.What GPU has NVENC? Nvidia’s NVENC was introduced with the Nvidia GeForce GTX 600 series graphics cards in March 2012. I've tested with this in a Windows virtual machine before but without GPU assistance for compositing and stream decoding/encoding the amount of CPU power that this needs is insane (~80% of the Ryzen 1700x with 8 cores) to run 4K/30.I use either OBS or Xsplit to do my streaming but OBS is mostly the most efficient with given resources. 1 version has been used unchanged since 1997 and has been able to power very creative applications to this date.I use either OBS or Xsplit to do my streaming but OBS is mostly the most efficient with given resources. With zero performance impact while encoding and high-quality frames even at low bitrates, it is a strong contender as a streaming encoder.OBS Encoding Overloaded WarningIs OBS stuttering, dropping frames or lagging when you are video Obs-lag-fix - Amaze View Viral News, Entertaining Stories, Videos, Life Hacks, Tech & much more. The (New) Nvenc encoder is easily the best OBS encoder available, assuming you have a modern NVIDIA graphics card with the improved ASIC chip. 1: The Best OBS Encoder: (New) Nvenc - GPU Encoding.